Made in bold style and wide, as well as consistent spacing between letters, this font has a distinctive aesthetic value, suitable for graphic design use such as logos, posters, and others.
DinoTracks DinoTracks is a novelty or letterbox font in which the letters are formed with dinosaur footprints. It is readable at small point sizes, but then one cannot see that the letters are made from footprints DinoTracks Download Now View Gallery
Rouge Gorge Rouge Gorge is a Serif Font (Regular, Italic, Semi-Condensed, Condensed and Variable) The font also has 7 OpenType features : ( All access Alternative ( aalt ) - Fraction ( frac ) - Numerator ( numr ) - Denominator ( dnom ) - Old Style ( onum ) - Kerning ( kern ) Rouge Gorge Download Now View Gallery
Grimmig Grimmig draws inspiration from solid and angular blackletter shapes and the idea of cutting letters out of paper. The interaction between curves, sharp edges, and partially unconventional serif placement makes it an excellent typeface for impactful headlines. The vivid details fade into the background in smaller sizes and provide an enjoyable reading experience for continuous text. Open counters and a large x-height contribute to Grimmig ’s legibility in text sizes. It was developed as part of the MA Typeface Design in the University of Reading but had started before as a graduation project for Tamara Pilz. Grimmig Download Now View Gallery